Sunday, November 27, 2011

the train to Glacier National Park

In the train, it was fun.  They had bunk beds and a dining car.  The food was good. We got ice cream with a spoon in the lid. 

Then we got off for breaks.  We got to see the Badlands.

more photos from the train to Glacier

Here we are in St. Paul, watching the train arrive.

Brinda outside the train, in Rugby, North Dakota, the geographical center of North America.

Playing games in our room.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Trail Cam

I got a trail camera for my birthday. We set a dead turkey out on the edge of our woods by our house. And a coyote and a deer and a rabbit and a skunk and a fox came. And then the camera caught a picture of all of them.
This is my coyote picture.


Here is the rabbit that my camera caught. And the rabbit had three pictures, every time it hopped in front of the camera and motion sensor.

This is the skunk. PEE-EW!!!

This is the fox. It is COOL!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

in Glacier National Park

We are by tree roots. It was cold.

We took the train to Glacier to see the park. We saw a bear and a couple mule deer and white tail deer too. We saw deer out of our hotel window. They peed a lot like a hose. We don't want to go in that yard.

We were at a lodge with very friendly dogs. It was my favorite lodge.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Our New House

This is our new house, before we moved it.

B: See our new house. I hope you like the blog and you have a good day.

T: This is our new house going down the road. Whee! It was hard to stay up in. I loved riding in it.

T: This is us under the truck. It was hard to climb up in. The doors were stuck shut. The hole was from the chimney. It was hard to climb into. Bang!

B: I like riding in the house and I'm happy that we are going to move to Grandpa's house and we are going to stay there forever. And goodbye, I hope you have a nice day.

B: I like the new house and I like the inside of the new house, and I like the sink and I like the bathroom, and I like the toilet. And I like everything. Goodbye, I hope you have a nice day.