Tonight we watched a movie. We watched it at Megan's house. Matt brought the movie. It was The Incredibles 2. No, Incredibles 1. It was good.
We ate pizza.
This is what happens when you force Matthew into a picture.
Apparently it's a good movie. We had guests who had lice,. No signs for us, luckily, but all the kids have coconut oil in their hair just in case. That's why they're all wearing bandanas. New Sheldon fashion.
Me and Neave built a marble run. It is made of little weird, like, wooden planks that are have a hole down the middle, and there's little wooden blocks that have a hole up through the top and out the side. This is the marble run we've built EVER.
We were trying to see who could make the funniest face by the marble run.
Geese are on the hay bales, and they wanna play. Because they see us hopping around on the hay bales all day.
This is me taking a picture of them. This is the first time we saw them up there. And I'm taking a picture of them now. You might wonder what the thing behind me is, but it's my dog, Noah.
We made a stick and hay fort. It was really fun to be in. We played in it all the next day. We played gorillas, and that's about it. Here's pictures of the pizza. We each got to make our own pizza. My dad and my uncle are holding the pizzas. We got to play in the fort while they made them.
Here are some pictures of us eating them, with our cousins Jack and Alex.
Here are some pictures the kids wanted to share from March, when we first got Noah. Everyone is sick around here, so no interesting commentary tonight. Hopefully we'll do better tomorrow.